This delightful soft book offers a tactile and sensory-rich experience designed to captivate babies during their exploration. Its compact size makes it perfect for both home enjoyment and on-the-go adventures, ensuring that moments of delight are always within reach. Crafted with plush boa fabrics, it promises a luxurious feel, while its array of sensory features, including crinkle sounds, vibrant colors, embroidered designs, a playful squeaker, and a delightful crinkle strawberry, stimulate multiple senses. Engaging with this soft book provides more than just entertainment; it actively supports crucial developmental milestones. With each crinkle, squeak, and rattle, babies learn about cause and effect, enhancing their auditory stimulation. The introduction of various colors aids in the development of their vision, while the tactile elements encourage touch and exploration, fostering sensory discovery. Furthermore, as parents and caregivers engage with the book, they introduce new words, enriching the baby's vocabulary and language development. Additionally, using the soft book during tummy time not only provides visual stimulation but also aids in the development of neck and core strength, supporting overall physical growth. With its multifaceted benefits, this sensory soft book becomes an invaluable tool in the early stages of a baby's development, making learning an engaging and delightful experience.
Player Information
Age of Players: 0 to 2 YearsNumber of Players: to Skill Level: BeginnerTime to Learn: 10 minutesTime to Play: 30 minutesSmall Piece Choking Hazard: Battery Details:
Batteries Included: Not RequiredBattery Details: 0 NAAdditional Batteries: 0 NAAdditional Information:
Publisher: Manhattan Toy
Item ID: 011964520428
Packaging Dimensions: 7" X 6.5"
Language: English