Get your finances in order. Write everything down and see where your money goes! Track your income, your spending, and start saving with this easy-to-use planner! Record your weekly expenses and plan monthly budgets with simple, straightforward tracker pages. Planner provides 52 weekly spending tracker pages. Includes 12 monthly budgeting pages. And it's undated -- start any time! Archival-quality acid-free 120 gsm paper supports pen or pencil. Sturdy paperback binding. Desk-sized planner measures 8-1/2'' wide x 11'' high. 128 pages.
Product Information:
Dimensions (closed): 11" x 8.5" x 0.4"Dimensions (open): 11" x 17" Calendar Format: Adhesive with GridsCalendar Start Dates: with Sunday StartTime Span: Cover & Closure: Foldover Flap ClosurePaper Source: Non-FSCInk Type: Oil-BasedCreative Artist: Additional Features:
More Info:
Publisher: Peter Pauper Press
Item ID: 9781441332868
Language: English